Termination for
Medical Reasons
Dr. Erica Rozmid provides resources for bereaved parents who terminate their pregnancy for medical reasons (TFMR), their loved ones, and therapists.
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Meet Dr. Erica Rozmid
Dr. Erica Rozmid is the nation's leading expert in supporting parents who TFMR (terminate for medical reasons). With extensive experience and board certification in psychology, Dr. Rozmid offers unparalleled expertise to therapists, medical providers, parents, and their families.
For medical providers, Dr. Rozmid provides consultations on how to approach sensitive discussions with parents about their options and medical conditions with mindfulness and compassion- and with mental health providers on how to assist parents through their grieving process. She works closely with parents to assist them in making informed decisions and supports them through their grieving process, ensuring they receive the care and understanding they need during such a challenging time. She consults with family members on how to best support their loved one who had to terminate their pregnancy for medical reasons.
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On-Demand Workshops for Therapists
We have designed the first on-demand therapist training course for TFMR therapists. Take the course today!